Stroke is the interruption of blood circulation in the brain
Causes: children, age, menopause (for women), introvert character (closed), high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, stress, smoking, and exercise less.
various types of illness can strike suddenly and can be dangerous to us is one of stroke, but this disease can prevent us know how to live healthy with one of them is here
In the Help of First Stroke
(By removing the blood on the fingertips of each hand and leaves the tip of the ear)
- There is one best way to provide first aid to the people get the attack Stroke.
This can save lives than the people, also does not cause,any side effects.
First this is a guaranteed critical help
that can be 100% successful.
As is known, people who get the attack stroke, the whole blood,in the body will flow very fast to the blood vessel in the brain.
When the help is given only a little late, the blood vessel
on the brain will not be strong to withstand the flow of blood that flows with a swift and
will be broken up.
In such a situation not to panic but should remain calm.
- The patient should remain in the first place where he fell
DO NOT move!
For the patient with the move from place to accelerate the cleavage blood vessel in the brain.
- People should be sitting in posisikan good not to drop again,
To best use the syringe, but if not there, then
Sewing needle / needle / pin can be used with the first ~
in the sterile-a-way in the first roasted over a fire,
After a sterile needle, pricking soon do the ten fingertips on the hand
- Transfixion point approximately 1 cm from the tip of the nail. Each pin in the finger just enough 1 TIMES
with the expectations of each finger out drops of blood.
Expenditure of blood can also be assisted with a click when the blood was , not out of the fingertips.
In a period of approximately 10 minutes, the patient will regain consciousness soon.
When the patient's mouth wry look / not normal, then
- Second lobe of the necessary - Drag
- Then do 2 TIMES transfixion at each end of the bottom
- Ear blood out so that as many as 2 drops of each of the ends of the helix.
Thus, in a few minutes form the mouth of the patient will return to normal.
- After the patient to recover the situation and there is no difference of meaning, then immediately take
- the patient carefully to the doctor or hospital to obtain,help further.
As a way to devote labor, should this information to inform the friends, and family relations, relations, and community-wide, this attack because stroke can occur in anyone and anywhere.
But for the Prevention of stroke is less to do with healthy lifestyles, the ways:
- Exercise regularly;
- Eating foods that contain vitamin C, such as fruits, green vegetables, nuts, fish oil, garlic;
- Reduce salty foods;
- No smoking and drinking, or alcohol;
- Reduce fatty foods;
- Reducing the weight of the body.
stop lifestyle that is not healthy

63 Responses
About Me
- novi andi
- rizekon are just ordinary people who want to become a pharmacist, and the desire can learn to channel knowledge to anyone who requires a principle of a medical doctor, "MAKES ONE HEALTHY, THE NATURE HEALTH. creating, and sharing is beautiful"
owh men... iam pertamaxx here ... success gan !!! =))
about stroke this is a can attack anybody.. so we must beware... sory my english is bad ...
Please exchange link with me at
Dani Setyanto
Amazing Reviews For You
this heplfull, thanks for share, nice post! ;;)
its so nice fren, he... seperti iklan aja so nice, tapi ini dari teman bukan dari yang lain :)
wah bagus neh infonya sob.. tukeran fave technorati gan.. ane fave duluan ya...
Nice Info friend
@All:thanks buddy, we should need in the prevention of we have to treat, let us change the life style that is not healthy lifestyle with a healthy comrade, all the success for me buddy,..
nice post...I've a few stroke patients. stroke can happen tp anyone, No matter they rich or poor,young or old. Like what you said, the most important thing is healthy lifestyle. That's can prevent us from stroke
nice info friend.thanks
baca lagi penasaran nih..
duhh diriku gak bisa ngomong inggris jee
Nice Info Friend. . Nice Post. Good Luck. .
great article and useful. keep writing and enjoy your day..
nice post friends,, thanks :)]
nice information...one other solution is dont make your anger get bigger and bigger....
Nice solution gan... Mudah2an saya gak pernah yang namanya kena kanker... hihii...
moga-moga semua sehat, damai, bahagia, damai dan sejahtera selalu
good info friend..thanks
nice entry..very infomatif..we should take care of our health..
aduh...aq ga bisa bhs english...
padahal pgn bgt membacax...buat nambah2 ilmu kesehtan...
yes, its all in your lifestyle..
Haiii... RITZ... numpang lewat sekalian ngomen...
Bagus euy artikelnya...
Serem juga yah stroke...
See u on my blog.
Desti - Hamster Land
just dropping by again!
tnx bro
thanks for sharing, nice article
mampir lagi yah ke blog yg keren ini. lama tak mampir kawan habis off neh. mulai lagi jalin silahturahmi
thnx for sharing this :) it's a great opportunity to all of user to become an expert in medical support just like you :)
mampir lagi mas setelah ke syukuran temen2 yg lulus kpn nyusul yah.
saya follow yah mas blognya
Thank you.Nice information about stroke.
kok blm update kawan. salam kemerdekaan
banner sobat ada disini http://www.sherlomes.com/2009/06/blog-sahabat.html maaf tidak saya pasang di halaman blog, thanks kumjungannya :((
stroke okey, lets hope our family not get into that
Ohh.. weight sick...good luck
thank's for your information adn good luck
thank's a lot.
wow... that's nice post. thanks
oh iya met menjalankan ibadah puasa yang mau tiba, mohon maap bila ada salah kata dan ucap dalam tulisan saya.
Banyak masyarakat awam yang tidak menyadari bahwa stroke sangat berbahaya. Informasi ini sering tidak didapat oleh masyarakat kalangan menengah ke bawah.
Yang perlu diketahui adalah sesungguhnya stroke merupakan keadaan gawat darurat.
Stroke membutuhkan penanganan segera, sama halnya dengan jantung. Jika pada jantung disebut serangan jantung, maka stroke bisa disebut sebagai serangan otak.
Jumlah penderita stroke di Indonesia kian meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.
Jangan disepelekan, sebab penyakit ini sudah menjadi pembunuh nomor tiga di Indonesia setelah penyakit infeksi dan jantung koroner.
Sekitar 28,5 persen penderita penyakit stroke di Indonesia meninggal dunia.
Di Eropa, stroke merupakan penyakit berbahaya kedua setelah penyakit jantung koroner.
Di antara 100 pasien rumah sakit, sedikitnya dua orang merupakan penderita stroke.
Jika tidak ditangani dengan segera maka penderita stroke bisa berakhir dengan kematian atau kecacatan, yakni lumpuh dimensial atau pikun dan gangguan lain seperti sulit bicara dan melakukan kegiatan lainnya.
Untuk mencegah “the silent killer” ini maka seseorang dianjurkan untuk mengurangi rokok, melakukan olah raga teratur, membatasi minuman beralkohol, dan menghindari stres berlebihan.
Mereka yang berpotensi tinggi terkena stroke adalah penderita hipertensi, kencing manis, pecandu rokok dan alkohol, serta penderita stres berat.
@all:tnx my bst frnds ..
Butiku Palace >>
Bila dalam kata perbuatan tergores salah & khilaf, dgn segala kerendahan hati terucap mhn maaf setulus2nya..
Marhaban ya Ramadhan...
bagi sobat2 trbaikku yg menjalankannya...
Let's have a healthy life style!
keren abis emang blogger skr
tuliasannya keren
blognya keren
pasti orgnya keren
maaf, ndak ada kaitannya dengan postingan. cuma mau tanya, caranya daept comment segili banyak gimana caranya c?
nice article dude
really engligthing
good post
very nice info up there..
cumaa dapet48
keep post yah sob...
keep post yahhh
aaaaaaaahhh.. takut kena nih...
serem dah kalo kena.... mudah2an ampe tua nanti ga kena stroke amin ahaha.. penyakit lumayan disegani ini..
good post . . i like it :D
bagus...!! cocok untuk yang menderita stroke...
ATUUUUT...STROKE...ngeri abis..?
templatenye bgs bgt
Very nice info,...
nice info!
Kenali Dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata Di Pandeglang
great information ever seen
sukses sob...
nice blog
nice info
jaga kesehatan diri sendiri ... . :D
good information. thank's a lot
pkbr bro dtggu kunjugn balikny :)
Nice to info...
Semoga terhindar penyakit tersebut.
Semoga kita sehat selalu :)
Makasih infonya tentang penyakit stroke