Herpes zoster is often in a person with indonesia-called "dampa" is a disease in which the kan varisela zoster virus infection which attacks the skin and mukosa, this infection is reaktifasi virus infection that occurred after the primary, sometimes the primary infection took place subklinis on the frequency of disease men and women together, more often about the age of consent,
Approximately 20% of people had chickenpox will slowly develop herpes zoster, the virus is active again likely to occur in people with a weak immune system, This includes people with HIV disease, and persons above the age of 50 years, because of this style life that affect our health, please read first before posting it on my collection of health articles so that we know the disease and how to anticipate his return to the active herpes zoster disease lesi new form of permanent relief that lasted approximately 1 to 2 weeks and the shoot is 7 to 12 days, the virus dwells in the ganglion posterior edge and nervous ganglion kranialis.
symptoms that often arises is prodomal systemic (fever, headache, malaise) and local (bone, muscle pains, itchy, stiff, and so forth), after it emerged that eritema in a short time become vesikel (the clear fluid becomes cloudy and gray ), sometimes containing blood vesikel in a hemoragik with herpes zoster, although rare, herpes zoster can be contagious on the nerves of the face and eyes. This may cause infection around the mouth, on the face, neck and scalp, in and around the ears, or on the tip of the nose herpes zoster almost always occurs only on one side the body. After several days, a rash or itching on the skin appear on the skin associated with the excited nerve, blister small form, and contain liquid, then broken blister, and herpes zoster cases in which infected at the age above 40 years of post-neuralgia can occur herpetik This is pain that arises in the former areas of healing, can take up to several months and even years of pain vary with the gradation in daily life,
Herpes zoster usually have mild symptoms, but complications can occur, ranging from mild to life threatening that. Complicated herpes zoster infection refers to a disturbance occurs in the patient's immune system or a manifestation of its involvement. In the particular patient, early treatment with antiviral and kortikosteroid may have shown a decrease in duration of disease and to prevent or correct complications,
Complications common herpes zoster is herpetik post neuralgia, the pain of settling more than 1 month after rash healing vesikuler. This complication occurs more frequently in patients aged more than 50 years. Neuralgia may occur herpetik post as a follow-pain that accompanies acute herpes zoster, or may occur following the reactivation of zoster have healed. Pain from neuralgia postherpetik generally decreased in the 6 months. However, approximately 1% patients continue to suffer pain for one year or more.
Herpes zoster can be associated with secondary bacterial infection in the areas affected by rash (usually streptokokus or stafilokokus)
Hepes zoster involving two branches to the nervus trigeminus can cause konjungtivitis, keratitis, ulkus cornea, iridosiklitis, glaucoma, and blindness.
Complications of Ramsay Hunt syndrome (zoster involving the nervus kranialis V, IX, and X) may include weakness nervus fasialis perifer and suffer from deafness.
- Treatment
Can be provided in the systemic therapy is generally simtomatik, its painful to give in analgetik, if at sertai with secondary infection can be given antibiotics,
antiviral which is normal in a asiklovir since lesi appear in the first three days as the period of this treatment is not effective, the recommended dose is 5 times a day 400 mg for 7 days, a new antivirus valasiklovir and famsiklovir, but in the experiment is complete random and found that valasiklovir better than asiklovir. This experiment to include more than 1100 patients with herpes zoster without complications with age more than 50 years, ntuk patients imunokompeten given asiklovir for 7 to 10 days, or 7 days for the latest antivirus and only need to be drunk three times a day
To indicate the kortikosteroid Ramsay hunt syndrome to prevent fibrosis ganglion, in a prednison 3 times a day 20 mg, after 1 week in lowering the dose gradually, a high dose prednison pressing immunity so better join in with the antiviral drug
tips for the prevention of herpes zoster
There is research that indicates that the vaccination of older people with the chickenpox vaccine is much stronger than the normal children can be used to improve the type of immunity that are considered necessary to fight the virus, the researchers hope that this increased immunity will reduce the risk of herpes zoster, one of which is Zostavaks a vaccine against herpes zoster vaccine, already approved in the U.S.
change your lifestyle with a healthy lifestyle because it is better to prevent than treat
medication review
name drugs | asiklovir |
Description | Reducing the length of lesi simtomatik. Indicated for patients who ONSET rash appear in 48 hours. Patients treated showed reduction in pain and healing of skin lesi faster |
Adult dose | Immunocompromised adults: 800mg PO every 4 hours (5 times / day) for 7-10 days; alternative: 10 mg / kg / dose IV or 500 mg/m2/dosis every 8 hours |
Dose of Pediatrics | Immunocompromised children: 250-600 mg/m2/dosis PO 4-5 times / day for 7-10 days; another alternative: 10 mg / kg / dose IV or 500 mg/m2/dosis every 8 hours |
Kontraindikasi | Historical hipersensitivitas |
Interaction | Probenesid or part-time zidovudin extend and improve toksisitas Ssp |
Pregnancy | B - risk to the fetus is not yet known in humans but has been shown in several studies on animals |
Prevention | Concern for people with kidney failure or with the delivery of drugs other nefrotoksik |
name drugs | Famsiklovir |
Description | It is a prodrug, that if you biotransformasi then actively metabolit, pensiklovir, can prevent DNA synthesis or replication of virus |
Adult dose | 500 mg PO every 8 hours for 7 days |
Dose of Pediatrics | Not specified |
Kontraindikasi | Historical hipersensitivitas |
Interaction | Probenesid or simetidin can improve toksisitas; increase bioavailabilitas digoksin |
Pregnancy | B - risk to the fetus is not yet known in humans but has been shown in several studies on animals |
Prevention | Concern for people with kidney failure or with the delivery of drugs other nefrotoksik |
name drugs | Valasiklovir |
Description | It is a prodrug which quickly changed to asiklovir before using antivirusnya activity. More expensive, but the dose more convenient than asiklovir. |
Adult dose | 1000 mg PO every 8 hours for 7 days |
Dose of Pediatrics | Not specified |
Kontraindikasi | Historical hipersensitivitas |
Interaction | Probenesid, zidovudin, simetidin memperpanajng or part-time |
Pregnancy | B - risk to the fetus is not yet known in humans but has been shown in several studies on animals |
Prevention | Concern for people with kidney failure or with the provision of medicines nefrotoksik other; associated with the emergence of hemolytic uremic syndrome |
stop lifestyle that is not healthy
:)) :)] ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))
About Me
- novi andi
- rizekon are just ordinary people who want to become a pharmacist, and the desire can learn to channel knowledge to anyone who requires a principle of a medical doctor, "MAKES ONE HEALTHY, THE NATURE HEALTH. creating, and sharing is beautiful"
should use antibiotik???
@nunung subarja : The use of antibiotics is not recommended because it is not bacteria, but there are signs of secondary infection from bacteria.
Asiklovir generally accepted with good body. But sometimes cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, feeling thirsty, decreased appetite and pain kepala.Efek addition to this are individual and not all people experiencing it. Need for vigilance is also harassment perderita kidney condition and lack of fluids (dehydration) because the condition can asiklovir content in the blood. Ultimately increase the emergence of side effects.
always with a healthy lifestyle from the core of prevention is good, thanks, and you make a successful
nice info guy..like you said that we have to change our lifestyle with healthy life
@iwan setiawan:thanks buddy, that true life style that is not healthy is the embryo of the possibility of a disease inveksi ter,. I suggested that I build a comrade, a friendship of my
What this disease? selanjutnya OB pake bahasa prokem aja, sebab lidah OB jadi kusut nih. Penyakitnya kaya kena api dan meletup gitu...
Thanks to this info can give increase my knowledge about the Herpes zoster disease
serem juga yaa.... jadi ngeri...
thanks infonya sob.. (sorry pake bahasa indonesia komennya)
pernah kena tapi dari daun kok bisa ya jkenanya dari ddaun?
informative article....keep writing
thanks for the info buddy..am so scare to HERPESSSSS..
wah menakutkan juga ya...
artikelnya bermanfaat banget, seenggak-enggaknya kita jadi ngerti gimana cara pencegahan dan perawatan tentang penyakit herpes.
kita musti hati2x broo... yg saya tau kl penyakit 'itu' biasanya bisa menular dari hubungan seksual!!
So, pesen gw HATI-HATI ja bro....
Artikel ini bisa membuka wawasan kita... Selamat'ya??...
ga bisa komen panjang neh
net di warnet sehhhh
wuihh ngeri neh penyakit...
tatut ahhh.. thanks for info nya sob
wah sereeeeeem, jijai. salam kenl. commet back yah thanks
wess mantap tuh lukanya kayak tato
,,, hehehe becanda
wew... keren postingannya sob...
sukses selalu ya..
by : Imoel
nice post sobat, thanks infonya
this is the great article for science healthy friend. thanks..
thanks for all the hope I can provide benefits, I make good friends...
hiiiiiiiiiiiiii, serem bet dah..
amit amit :-O
Duh sayang bahasa inglish,aku gaptek jee
but thanks infonya yahh
katanya sakit ini sangat gatal sekali
salam setelah aku kesusahan komen karena masalah dengan internetku
keren banget infonya nya padat dan berisi...
salam yah dari @indoster
Nice post Good luck. . :D
ih, ngeri ah..tapi skarng dah jarang kayanya y
comment yg kedua nih,penasaran dgn artikel ini..
trims yaaa..
moga-moga ga kena
walah ...
sory my english is bad .. bad... bad ... i dont know what you talking about ,,
lam kenal ya !?
subhanallah,,mudah2an saya tidak terkena yang kaya gtu,,amin,,
Ho ho ho....
ur article is so cool friend. It makes me wanna be here again and again...
If U have spare time..visit me again and leave comment please...!!
ngeri juga :D
herpes jenis ini harus segera di beri salep obatnya, klo tidak akan menjadi seperti luka sayatan pisau. saia pernah menderita penyakit ini, dulu..kadang klo stres dia bisa muncul di bagian tubuh mana saja, kecuali kelamin.
keep komen2an..
thanks for sharing.. I know this disease, in my place we call it 'kayap'
Nice post!! :)
Nice post...Thank's
wuih ngeri juga yah klo kena...maen2lah ke Aceh Barat
blogwalking ... Nice post Thanks
blogger skr emang keren2
udah blognya keren
postinganya keren
alexanya keren
orgnya pasti keren
aku datang kawan
kemana nih orangnya gw udah posting nih
mengerikan .... :-o
memang mengerikan penyakit tu.. hiy... mg aja
gw ga kena deh... Amit2 ... sp tua...
buzed dah..itu kerokan ato tatto tuh..hiiiiiiiii
wow bacteria, mudah2an saya g ngalamin seperti itu
very nice information buddy ^_^
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