In my previous posting that discusses whether laringitis and is in the range of my posting this time I will try to discuss about acne or call it in the usual pimple for one of my friend's very problematic with this relationship and cause my friend is thin with a friend other, and many young people who also have a similar case, now we simply
Acne vulgaris (whelk) is a skin disease due to inflammation chronicles folikel pilosebasea commonly occur in adolescence with a clinical picture komedo, papul, pustul, nodus, and the cyst on his predileksi.
patogenesis it happens because the free fatty acid made from trigliserida cause turbidity in sebum and sebum increases cause clog its channel pilosebasea reaction and inflammation in the surrounding areas that are often in a komedogenik, changes in the pattern keratinisasi folikel, excessive sebum production, and increased flora folikel also related patogenesis with the disease,
Erupsi akneiformis: This occurs because the drugs such as medication kortikosteroid, INH, barbiturat, yodida, bromide, etc. clinical erupsi can be papul in various places without komedo, emerged suddenly, sometimes in sertai fever.
Acne rosasea, there eritema and telangiektasis in the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead, and there is no komedo, factor it is hot food or drink
Dermatitis perioral clinical form eritema, papul and pustul around the mouth with the itching
Irtan material: resorsinol (1-5%), salisilat acid (3-5%), vitamin A acid (0,025-0,1%), sulfur (4-8%).
Antibakteri: tetrasiklin 1%, eritromicin 1%, klindamisin 1%, 2.5% peroxide benzoli
Antibakteri: terasiklin 3-4 times a day 250 mg, klindamisin 2 times a day 150 mg, linkomisin 3 times a day 500 mg
Hormonal: estrogen 50 mg / day for 21 days
Take a leaf Lilah, and Farming to be cut in several parts. Then slices of skin outside the visible part of the meat and the mucus is white, in a oles in the pustule appears, If you are diligent enough to do every morning and evening or before bed, I hope you can dry out pimple and lost in 3 days.
of sebum by ekstraktor komedo electricity or surgery, injections and surgical frozen intralesi, skin care hygiene, diet and the need for
Acne vulgaris (whelk) is a skin disease due to inflammation chronicles folikel pilosebasea commonly occur in adolescence with a clinical picture komedo, papul, pustul, nodus, and the cyst on his predileksi.
predisposisinya factors can occur due to genetic, racial, ultra violet rays, air humidity, temperature, psychological, hormonal, infection of the bacteria Corynebacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis albus et, pityrosporum ovale et orbiculare, oily skin
patogenesis it happens because the free fatty acid made from trigliserida cause turbidity in sebum and sebum increases cause clog its channel pilosebasea reaction and inflammation in the surrounding areas that are often in a komedogenik, changes in the pattern keratinisasi folikel, excessive sebum production, and increased flora folikel also related patogenesis with the disease,
acne can also be in the grade
Erupsi akneiformis: This occurs because the drugs such as medication kortikosteroid, INH, barbiturat, yodida, bromide, etc. clinical erupsi can be papul in various places without komedo, emerged suddenly, sometimes in sertai fever.
Acne rosasea, there eritema and telangiektasis in the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead, and there is no komedo, factor it is hot food or drink
Dermatitis perioral clinical form eritema, papul and pustul around the mouth with the itching
can be treated:
- Topikal
Irtan material: resorsinol (1-5%), salisilat acid (3-5%), vitamin A acid (0,025-0,1%), sulfur (4-8%).
Antibakteri: tetrasiklin 1%, eritromicin 1%, klindamisin 1%, 2.5% peroxide benzoli
- with systemic
Antibakteri: terasiklin 3-4 times a day 250 mg, klindamisin 2 times a day 150 mg, linkomisin 3 times a day 500 mg
Hormonal: estrogen 50 mg / day for 21 days
and there is also from indonesia with aloe vera (lidah buaya) because we should love our country, how to:
Take a leaf Lilah, and Farming to be cut in several parts. Then slices of skin outside the visible part of the meat and the mucus is white, in a oles in the pustule appears, If you are diligent enough to do every morning and evening or before bed, I hope you can dry out pimple and lost in 3 days.
can also get rid of acne in a way
of sebum by ekstraktor komedo electricity or surgery, injections and surgical frozen intralesi, skin care hygiene, diet and the need for
hopefully can be useful for all the buddy, and always with a healthy lifestyle
25 Responses
About Me
- novi andi
- rizekon are just ordinary people who want to become a pharmacist, and the desire can learn to channel knowledge to anyone who requires a principle of a medical doctor, "MAKES ONE HEALTHY, THE NATURE HEALTH. creating, and sharing is beautiful"
Thanks for the info according acne. It is useful.
Hmmm...nice info...
I think when we get a acne...we must to notice about food what we eat too...
can we get to link exchange, friend...???
my friend need this
thank commentary on the Companions,. indeed we should remain the focus with a healthy lifestyle, for the prevention of disease, success for all of comrade
Nice info. . it is useful, cause I have any problem with my face.
Thanks for teh info. . :D
wah mantap ni postx...
trims ;)
thanks for sharing the info..... nice post....
terimakasih untuk info yang bermanfaat ini.
nice... traditional receipt... thanx for sharing bro....
wah mantabs ni infonya,,,
thanks 4 ur information :D
i never have bad acne like on those pic
nice sharing...
thanks kommentnya sob pasti aku follow
thanks juga infonya menarik banget walaupun kurang ngerti bahasa inggris hihihi
good info. and waiting more... (from printing & anodizing services in jakarta)
untung wajahku mulus :D
wkkwwkkkwkkk :p
Thanks for the info according acne. It is useful.
Please, take the award Tutorit Friendship from Optimasi Blog to Ritz
waw.. thx ..
hehe i will take aloe vera at my garden
i'll try to treat my acne ^_^
nice content :)] ;) :-* :X :-t
i like the traditional treatment. I've just known that aloe vera can cure acnes.
good article
Man,...I hate acne...
wow....rare....Alhamdulillah I dont have acne....Insya Allah in my post, We can know how to care our acne...
I am very disturbed by this disease with a long time .. I've been looking for a solution, until I'm frustrated ..
Thank's to share.. mantaab neh:)